get inspired and thrive on your results

Virtual fashion Personality and Shape Analysis
Exact, near scientific definition with little room for errors of your body shape, body proportions, facial shape, skin tone, inherent colors, fashion personality.

Virtual Hair and Makeup Try on
I'll prepare a personalized report with visual suggestions for your most flattering hairstyles, hair colors, and make-up suggestions.

Coordinated Capsule Wardrobes
Personalized trans-seasonal, seasonal, themed, and/or travel capsule wardrobes that suite your lifestyle, best colors and personality.

Closet Edit and organization services
Wardrobe edit, shoe collection edit, accessory edit, jewelry edit, virtual closet makeover. I'll help you tackle your closet and prepare your keepers, donation pile and toss- pile and help you with your "undecided" pieces.

Find your inner peace
You know yourself well. You decided to start loving yourself for who you are and putting yourself first. However, something is missing. You need something more, but you cannot pinpoint it. Let me be your guide, your sherpa, on your journey of refining your true self.

Video, Presentation and Headshot consult. Now more than ever you need to look amazing on your profile picture and video calls. I'll share tips and tricks with you.
Your Completely personalized package may include
On our free 15-minute Personal Style Clarity Call
together we will determine the very personalized package that suits YOUR needs.
Virtual Color and Make up Analysis
Virtual Body and Facial Shape Analysis
Style Personality Discovery Tour
Virtual Hairstyle And Make Up Consult
Virtual Wardrobe and Closet edit
Personal Themed Capsule Wardrobe
Virtual Shoes/jewelry/Accessory edit
Travel Wardrobe Consult
Personal Online shopping
Virtual StyleBox curation consult
Group Online shopping
Make up for video
Headshot consult
Mini Makeover
Maxi Makeover
let's determine your very personal package
Book a free 15-minute call and let's talk about it. No strings attached.

Virtually Upgrading your style
Whether you are new to styling or you know your best colors and styles already, now you can refresh your wardrobe through a virtual style upgrade.

All in the comfort of your home
You take pictures and watch how your wardrobe transforms into a beautiful, easy to manage ensemble. Lift the burden of indecision in the morning by figuring out what to wear. Your time is precious, let me help you treat it that way.

Purge your closet
Let us explore the inner world of your closet and see what potentials it hides inside. Let us search for your hidden gems, polish them and give them the life they deserve - in the spotlight, with coordinated outfits according to your needs and preferences, with you!

Have fun, fun, fun
Fashion is fun! Whether you need to purge your closet, revamp your wardrobe, refashion your favorites or find your true self. It doesn't have to be boring, tedious or exhausting! Let me accompany you on this journey and show you how you can effortlessly navigate between your precious pieces you once thought they are worthy of your attention and purchase.
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