

It's All About the Story

The Style Medium
Ana is a world-class expert in multidimensional communication, founder of Choose Your Signature Style™️ and creator of the Feng Shui Apparel™️ System, working with high-achieving women, empaths, and mavericks who are ready to upgrade their success by feeling confident and aligned with their inner essence through their signature style. Her greatest passion is working with businesswomen who succeeded in the man’s world and are ready to tap back into their femininity again. If traditional personal styling model is a linear, Expression from the inside out, Ana’s approach is a sphere.

I had been hiding, and had had low self-esteem and self-image that made me suffer through several relationships and made my work-life harder because nobody was taking me seriously. Until I discovered that everyone has the potential to shine. Good style and beauty are not taught in schools but they can save you a lot of time and money, not to mention the side effects resulting in loads of compliments and admiration.

I’m a chronically sleep-deprived special needs mom, I often don’t have even 10 minutes to shower, however, I am devoted to share with you my secrets on how I still manage to find the time to run my business.

Scaling down women’s wardrobes to functional ones without any redundant items is my passion. I love playing with versatility in the form of multifunctional pieces that are wearable in many different ways as well as innovations such as my all-time favorite Lipskit.

“Your first impression is your last impression!”
Are you using this power well enough?

You are the most influential person in your business and your home and you know your looks play an important role with your status, your presence and your success in business and in love. Your style can help you reinforce your confidence or undermine it. It can influence how your clients, employees, coworkers… and your life partner (!) perceive you.

I’m a Certified Virtual Personal Stylist and one of the first 32 Certified Visual Brand Consultants in the world and I can help you shine like a diamond!

I work with the 3 fabulous aspects: for highest effect and efficiency: Comfort, Confidence and Convenience.

Comfort – you need to feel comfortable everywhere and anywhere. Comfort is important for your top performance in business and life. Everyone has their own definition and perception of comfort – let us discover yours.

Confidence – you need to feel confident to give people assurance. May it be your employees, coworkers, your clients or your life partner.  Assurance is one of the keys to successful relationships in business and in love not many people know about.

Convenience – your day has 24 hours only. You know very well how every minute counts. You have to be at your best all the time. The world is demanding and you want to keep up with it. I help you free yourself from time wasters and minimize decision fatigue even further.  This is something rarely anyone thinks about but it can save you 30 to even 60 minutes a day. That’s 7 hours/week of additional free time!

Now is the right time for you to upgrade your style. Make your hard work and talents show themselves through your appearance before you even speak and raise your energy levels.

Let’s connect!

Be Awesome

I Have Solutions

Enter my world and have the experience of a lifetime.

fashion, portrait, woman

Your Fashion Personality

woman, face, portrait

Your Inherent beauty Profile

fashion, woman, portrait

your Visual Image Spectrum

Book Your free 15-minute Personal Style Clarity Call now

Discover the next steps towards a better, more joyful professional and personal life.
